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Drop the waste and Enjoy the journey!

Camille McMickle

I love my dog Kody and I have been getting much needed exercise these last couple of months by walking him daily. The reason why I have been having to walk him is because I used to actually just walk him occasionally but I would allow him to just roam free in our back yard. He loved it and had free reign in our back yard. Then he started jumping the fence to join my neighbors three dogs and they love each other and it was one big happy pack. The problem came when he started to jump their fence. Then it became more dangerous and not safe for him to be roaming out there. I'm saying all of that because it will have purpose later once I make my point about how we began having what I call our daily journey.

You see every day Kody starts out so on the hunt for new smells and new little animals or critters that might be lurking. He likes to sniff and running and dig. He has a ball! What I notice though is that about 15 minutes into our journey he will start needing to know...poo. To be polite. So I see him searching and searching as if he is trying to find the perfect spot. I think to myself, just go on and get it out already! I mean I just really started watching one day and it was quite annoying. He would search and search and then seem to find a good spot, I would even see the poop start making its way and then he would pull it back in and uncomfortably keep searching as if that spot wasn't good enough to poop and he could find a better spot! Really??? It amazed me because he would walk around which seems like in a uncomfortable start for most of our walk and then finally when we are heading home he would finally find a spot (when he can no longer hold it) and I guess where the grass is just right to drop the waste. He then would run and scoot his feet and skip happily along because he feels great to have drop the waste and be free but then our walk is almost over.

One day, when I was walking, I had a thought and as ridiculous as what my dog Kody does or seems to be, sometimes we as believers do the same thing in our lives. We will walk around holding on to waste and things not good for us in our lives instead of just letting them go so God can give us better. We carry all kind of baggage like, fear, doubt, anger, bitterness, loneliness, hate, envy, strife, sadness, and a host of other things. We don't get to enjoy our lives or the journey that God has for us while holding on to the waste! We hold on to it as if we will find something better, or somewhere better for it to go. We miss out on all the great things we could have if we would just by drop the waste and be free!!! So I ask you, what is it that you could drop today and be free to receive new and amazing things to replace them in your life for what God truly has for you. To walk free in your calling and leave the poo right there behind you.

At the beginning, I told you that I would let Kody run free alot but he was limited to the back yard. It was ok for him to be free in a safe environment but when he got outside of the gate he could have been hit by a car or got into fights with other dogs or even had something else happen like eating something that he should not eat that could cost him to lose his life. Well that is us too! God gives us freedom to run free in certain areas then when he wants us to go out into the world and in further places he has to be the one guiding our journies. Also, he want us to explore and experience life, but he also wants us to be free and to not carry all of that waste around with us that can hinder us from living our best lives.

So if I can say anything to encourage someone to walk in their calling and drop the old waste I would say get ready for the new things God has for your life and get ready to be free. I would say, Just drop the waste and enjoy your journey!!!

Tomorrow is not promised, but God's promises are waiting on you! Don't waste time, be free! Go be great!!!!


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