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Broken Things

Camille McMickle

I am so glad that God fixes broken things, aren't you? I was thinking the other day about how quickly we throw out things that we think are broken and have no more use. Sometimes we find a different purpose for the item, patch it up or reuse it for some other purpose, but for the most part, how often do we just discard things them as broken in our minds. We don't even try to see if the items can be reused or repurposed to do something else.

I saw on a TV show about a woman who creates beautiful art from old magazines. Most of us after we read magazines we don't even share or donate the magazines to a library, nursing home, school or even a neighbor that could read and gain the knowledge and some useful information from these magazines. We just toss it in the trash. Not even the recycle box sometimes. We feel like there is no more use for that magazine once we have used it. It was amazing to see the art this lady artist created from what others would say had served its purpose and was now expired. First of all great information does not expire. I could read a book 10 years from now and learn something from it. As I looked at her work it was so beautiful to see the pieces that were made from these old magazines and how they came out to make such beautiful creations. That is how God does with us. We are used up, broken, torn apart sometimes even misplaced by this world but God sees the good in us. He knows what beauty He created in us, what knowledge He wants to share through us and how He wants to use it.

Like the broken pieces in a church stain glass window, God takes the many colorful pieces of our lives and He puts them all together to create a beautiful masterpiece. No matter how broken, no matter how lost, no matter what shape the pieces are in, He uses them all and lets nothing go to waste. I am so glad God is not like man who will throw you away once they think you are broken, useless or without purpose. I am thankful and grateful for God's mercy and grace.

Like the parable about the lost sheep, Jesus shows just how much we mean to Him and just what He will do to rescue us in our lost state and brokenness. In Matthew 18:12-14 it says this,

Matthew 18:11-13 New Life Version (NLV)

11 “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. 12 What do you think about this? A man has one hundred sheep and one of them is lost. Will he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to look for that one lost sheep? 13 If he finds it, for sure, I tell you, he will have more joy over that one, than over the ninety-nine that were not lost.

Also if you look at John 3:16 God gave His only son just to save us!

We were lost and broken and Jesus came off His throne in glory, voluntarily, to give Hi

s life for us. He knew we were broken and only His blood could save us. Fix us. Make us into something beautiful to bring God glory.

So whatever is broken in your life, give it over to God today, your broken heart, broken relationships, broken mindsets, broken families, broken finances, broken self esteem, broken confidence, broken dreams whatever it might be little or small. God has plenty of mercy and grace for all of us, that is what He does! God is in the business of fixing broken things!

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