Do Your Best, God will do the rest! 4th Quarter, Lets Go!

Well, here we are, we are in the fourth quarter of 2020! September 1st, is here so what are you going to do with the rest of this year? Yes, things have been crazy and uncertain during this year but some things have not changed. Your goals, dreams, expectations of promises that you know God has for you.
Are you waiting on God? I have news for you, God is waiting on you! He is waiting for you to take action and to do your best so that He can move on your behalf and do the rest. Let me ask you this question..... are you doing your best? Have you given 100% to your dream? Have you been committed, determined, and steadfast in accomplishing what God put you on this earth to do? If not, why?
Is it fear, doubt, lack of finances, confidence, support, consistency, passion and drive? What is keeping you from doing your best? This year in 2020 things have been challenging but I want to encourage you to push past whatever it is that is keeping you from taking action. I really feel that this year in 2020 the windows of heaven are open and blessings and opportunities are available
for those who give God their best and really say "Yes" to His plans for their lives. Now is the time to take action. Even if we feel like we don't have everything figured out. Even if we feel like things are far from perfect. The word of God said do not despise humble beginnings so we have to make sure to start where we are with what we have and trust that God will do the rest. If we can just believe that God will move on our behalf we can accomplish great things through Christ.
I want to encourage each of you to not allow, anything to stop you from pursuing your dreams. Not fear, rejection, fear of failure, doubt, lack, or even the negative words of people. Be determined this year to begin to take action to start or complete the assignment God has called you to complete. If He called you to do it, He will help you get to it. It is as simple as that. When we do our best we give God something to work with. We can not allow anything even ourselves to keep us stuck, bound and fearful. Sometimes we can be our worse enemies and critics.
It does not matter how this year began, even how it is going right now, it only matters how we end the year. Sometimes it is the things we put in motion or plant in one season that set us up for success in the next. So it is not to late to take action, it is not to late to do your best and watch God do the rest!